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2024 Scholarship Scramble


Blue Mountain Hospital and San Juan Health are pleased to co-sponsor the 8th Annual Scholarship Scramble!

Having a competent, qualified, and highly effective workforce are the anchors that have made healthcare in San Juan County flourish and we desire to keep this strong tradition alive, but we also understand that education costs can discourage or prevent students from pursuing their dream. In order to help students continue their education, BMH and SJH started the Scholarship Scramble.

All proceeds from this event will be given away as scholarships to local students working towards a degree in healthcare.

We invite you, along with your friends, families, and coworkers, to create a team and join us at the Hideout Golf Course in Monticello, UT on July 12th for this great event. Lunch will be provided and there are amazing prizes and awards! The tournament begins at 8AM and registration/check-in starts around 7:30 AM.

How to get involved:

Register a Team:

  • There are 4 golfers per team
  • $70 per golfer or $280 per team
  • Call 435-275-5200 to register

Donate to the Cause:

  • In order to give back to the students, we need your support! We are in need of sponsors to help us make this event a success and raise money for our scholarship fund! The Scholarship Scramble is looking for cash donations, prize donations, and hole sponsors.
  • If you are interested in donating in any way, fill out this form.

Apply for a Scholarship:

  • Applicants must be currently enrolled in a healthcare course of study such as nursing, laboratory technician, professional coding, physical therapy, etc.
  • Consideration will be given to those pursuing general education (business, biology, anatomy), but must desire to use that education in the healthcare industry
  • Applicants must be a current resident of San Juan County and/or provide documented intention of using the education in San Juan County
  • Scholarship funds may be used to cover the cost of tuition, books, fees, and/or any other cost to pursuing education
  • Applications must be submitted by July 31, 2024
  • Apply online here.

Thank you to our donors!